The Sexy Saga of Naughty Nell and Big Dick 1975


Three young men, a scriptwriter, a producer and a director are called in by Benny U Murdoch, an exotic movie producer. He wants to make a new erotic movie starring a big woman - the "Eskimo Nell" of the title. However problems sta...

Tutti i titoli
  • UK: Eskimo Nell Eskimo Nell
  • CA: Eskimo Nell Eskimo Nell
  • FR: Eskimo Nell Eskimo Nell
  • ES: Locos de estreno Locos de estreno
  • ES: Desmadre en la productora Desmadre en la productora
  • SE: Kalabalik i filmstudion Kalabalik i filmstudion
  • UA: Eskimo Nell Eskimo Nell
  • US: Eskimo Nell Eskimo Nell
Data di rilascio 17 Jan 1975
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